Fall 2015 Memory Makers

There is a time in life when items become more than just things. They become memories for a certain period of time. I know in just a few short years we will be donating, tossing, and hiding away many of things that serve as place holders for who they are today. Ellie who is 10 and is trying to figure out the balance between little girl doll playing and big girl hipness. Who secretly still loves Curious George like her mama, but would never admit the truth to her friends. Who is learning that she can't be the best at everything and is trying to figure out the emotions that tag along with that. KJ who is 8 and now likes to go by his given name Kellen. Who is learning that friends can be nice one second and the next not so much. Who still will hold his mama's hand in public, but kisses may be too much. These are things that will forever remind me of now and who they are today.

ELLIE: Junie B Jones is currently her reading book of choice. She will tell me stories of this Junie B as if they are the best of friends. Her enthusiasm pretty much makes me melt. After school on nice days the kiddos come in for brief snacks and quickly run out the door to play with friends. Ellie saved all her money and bought a pink Razor scooter. It was her first big purchase of her very own and she thought long and hard about it. This little scooter has been up and down our streets with giggles all around. Chocolate... oh my she is in love. I can virtually get her to do any chore without complaint if chocolate is an offering piece. This watch is cheap as can be, but she wanted one and I wanted to be sure she would keep up with one before investing. She wears it every day with rows and rows of rope and rainbow loom bracelets. She has earned my trust and I think a nice watch will be in her stocking this year.

KJ: His red scooter was a birthday gift and one of the best investments ever. It is used almost daily and now with Ellie having one it can make brother and sister time extra fun. Well fun and dangerous, let me be honest here. A journal is never too far away. He has many and he writes everything from secret spy maneuvers to football plays. This is the first year he has been able to write without too much of a struggle and it quickly became his favorite thing to do. Mechanical pencils apparently write better than anything else possibly could. It makes writing more enjoyable and most importantly neat. Trust me as I learned all this while the kiddos had a full out bicker war on who could use the last one for homework. KJ won and I have ordered more. Baseball hats are a constant in this house. The only thing that can make an ordinary baseball hat better is if it's an Auburn Tiger one. His two loves combined. Pure bliss I tell you.

Teaching Moments

Siblings fight. I know that from experience. I have a hope, dream, prayer or whatever you want to call it that Ellie and KJ will forever act as best friends. Most days they get along perfectly. Of course there is always a nit pick here and there, but overall they really do get along. Lately though they are having different interests in play. It makes sense. I know it does. One being a boy and the other a girl it was bound to happen. They are also having different neighborhood friends. I wish I could control the words of others, but I can't. I can only use them as teaching moments. That is where I am. The other day KJ's neighborhood bestie, who happens to be a self labeled tom boy, expressed to Ellie that she can only play with them if she can do two pull ups. Ellie came running onto the porch, where I sat, spewing her story out that came so quickly she had to take deep breaths and continually wipe away her tears. Apparently no matter how hard Ellie tried she could not do a pull up. Not a single one. She was then banned from the friendship club. This is the moment where I have to remind myself that kids are just that, kids. I prayed for her in hopes of off setting any lies that she is not enough sinking deep into her heart. Praying for the Lord to continually remind her that she is perfect just the way she is. I then spoke to KJ and reminded him that no matter what the circumstance or who it's with he is to ALWAYS stick up for his sister. I've said this many times and the roles have been reversed. Now they are to play only with each other for the next three days. My hope is for them to be reminded how much fun each other can be. This takes compromise in play for the both of them, but they always find common ground whether playing spy or riding bikes. They are to have each other forever and I have a huge desire that they can walk this life journey together. Friends will come and go and I would love for them to be each others constant no matter what life throws at them. I know time is passing quickly and soon I won't be able to persuade them to be each others best of friend, but maybe just maybe if I can help teach them now then it will become a given. I also think KJ said it best after our discussion, "Ellie you can still watch my kids when we grow up." It's a given.

~ For today I am going to remember the days they used to walk arm and arm without a fight. October 2010 ~

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6


My boy turns eight today and it's rocking my world. My baby is not so baby anymore even though he will forever be called one. He is quick witted and is always making me laugh. He loves cars and legos and still does not shy away from holding my hand in public. He makes me want to be a better mother. Oh how I love him so! He also promised to not grow any older as long as he still gets gifts every year. That I can do.