Book Club: chapter 9

{via Rodney Smith}

Summer's are always so busy for us and with my new endeavors it's only going to get busier. I hope to enjoy every minute of it even if my son is the fussiest I have ever seen him and eats more than a horse (oh yes, he's only two). Anyhow, back to the Artist's Way, it talked about how a negative experience in your creativity halt's you into doing nothing. I have experienced this recently if you can remember, if your new to my little blog then you too can check it out here (read the comments). For about 3 days I was completely heart broken to be honest and it took a little longer than that to completely get over it. I am one of those sensitive types, but after much prayer, hubby love, and all your encouragement I decided to jump back on the decorating horse. Oh, and don't worry I will not make that mistake twice.

We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way.
-John Holt

Have you ever felt halted and how did you overcome?

Chapter 10 here we come!

Book Club: chapter 8 {minus the book}

Last week my husband and I went on a date. We didn't do much, but we still had a blast and we had a chance to talk without any interruption. I mentioned to him how I wasn't sure what talents I wanted to pursue. Of course, being a wife and mother is my top priority, but I really do enjoy to sew and decorate homes. My husband, a man full of wisdom, simply started to recite Ecclesiastes 11. The highlights for me were verse 5 & 6...

As you not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. - Ecclesiastes 11:5-6

So my husband encouraged me to try both and see where it all takes me. Not to worry so much about failing or succeeding. To just take a leap of faith and simply do something, because we do not know the plans of God and if I do nothing then I may never know. God cannot bless something until I give Him something to bless. So saying all this I believe I am going to start sewing just a few dresses and put them on Etsy and see what happens. Oh and yes, I already have my first paid decorating gig starting soon, can't wait!

{the photo above is from one of my favorite shoots my hubby just did. A year ago a few people encouraged him to start doing photography. So we, he, took a leap of faith and bought the pro equipment and well, let's just say he is doing quite well thus far. We are highly blessed, and even upgraded to a D700 recently so now I get to shoot with the D300, yeah!}

Book Club: chapter 7

I am finally feeling like myself again after being a bit under the weather the last couple of weeks. As for the Artist's Way, my morning pages suffered once again. I completely blame in on my fuzzy thinking. I am ready to dive back in, I some what missed them believe it or not. The book talked about perfectionism holding us back. Umm, yup, that would be me. I am truly scared to start my little girl dress line because what if I forget to sew all of a sudden. There has also been countless times that I have almost posted for sponsorship for my little blog, but always take it down because maybe just maybe I will wake up and I will no longer have any readers. Also I have been decorating people's homes, but to make that an actual job? Ha, I very well may forget how to shop! As you see I am ridiculous and maybe one day I will grab hold of one of my little dreams and do something. One day.

The book also asked us to listen to an album just because, Priscilla Ahn was my choice. This song makes me happy even while cleaning.

This week we read chapter 8

Book Club: chapter 6

"I would rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck"
- Emma Goldman

Last week I was extremely under the weather. All that I could do was make sure my children were fed and somewhat clean and clothed. I stayed most of the time in bed or on the couch. I can not even tell you how many times we watched Bolt, my daughter's new favorite movie. So this week I strive to get back into being a good mother and wife role. I hope to also catch up with you all. How did your week go with the Artist's Way? Hopefully much better than mine.

This week we read chapter 7

Book Club: chapter 5

This past week one of our challenges in the Artist's Way was to name the top 10 items you want. Some of my items may not be items at all, but I still want them. Some of my list is practical although most is not. I shall admire all my lovelies from afar. What would be your top items that you would want when money is no object?

1. A dress
2. A beach house
3. A new rug or two
4. A steam mop
5. A Barcelona Chair
6. A bike with a basket
7. A pretty necklace
8. A mid century modern house
9. A serger
10. A wooden cake stand

I also finally went on an artists date over the weekend. Our town was having a historical home and garden tours. I was the youngest person out there by atleast 30 plus years. I had fun though.

This week we read chapter 6.

Book Club: chapter 4

One of the tasks in the Artist's Way this past week was to find your ideal environment. I knew immediately it would be on the beach. This image says it all. A pretty dress on a lonely beach. Just add my husband and babies and I would be in paradise. As for my artist's date, it consisted of going to the garden shop and seeing and smelling all the beauty around me, then later sinking my hands into the soil, sheer bliss. How did your week go? I found myself skipping a couple days of morning pages, oops.

This week we read chapter 5, yeah!

{image via Fiddlesticks and Funny Girls via ffffound}

Book Club: chapter 3

{via Seven Eight via Dream Everyday}

Part of our reading last week was to free-associate 20 sentences. I thought I would share a few with you...

1. My favorite child hood toy was... a bike.
2. I don't do it very much but I enjoy... dancing.
3. If I could lighten up a little, I'd let myself... laugh more.
4. My favorite musical instrument is... a violin.
5. If I weren't so stingy with my artist, I'd buy her... a serger.
6. Taking time out for myself... what does this even mean?
7. I secretly enjoy reading... Francine Rivers.
8. My parents think artists are... wonderful.
9. God thinks artists are... wonderful.
10. My favorite way to dress is... in my daily "uniform".

How did your week go? I personally would love to be the girl in the picture right about now. How freeing would that be.

This week we read chapter 4.

Book Club: chapter 2

In the book, the Artist's Way, there are people who can be labeled as crazymakers in your life. These people try to derail you from creating and believing in yourself. I feel highly blessed that I do not have these kinds of people in my life. As a child my parents enrolled me in art, horseback riding, dance, and etc lessons even when they barely had anything themselves. They knew I thrived to create so they enabled me to do just that. In high school I derailed myself from most of my once loved activities in order to be so-called popular. In college I did find myself taking dance once again and dabbling in pottery classes at least until the party life took over. I am so grateful that I even graduated. During my last couple of years at school I found Jesus or rather He found me and I turned my life back around. Now I have a wonderful husband who also is in the creative world at his work and with photography. He supports my every creative whim. All this to say I am thankful where I have been brought in life.

I shut my eyes in order to see
Paul Gauguin

Book Club: chapter 1

{via flickr}

So far so good on our read. I did my morning pages everyday even though sometimes that was the last thing I wanted to do. Other days it all poured out. Normally I wrote about my daily life. No wonderful book ideas or poems poured out. Oh well, maybe next week. As for my artists date, does working on the garden and yard count? Although, I did get together with fabulous friends and we did discuss the book. Bonus points for me, ha!

How did you do? Check out more here.

Book Club: the Intro

This past week I read the intro to The Artist's Way. So far so good, but I am going to have to be realistic and say a 2 hour art date by myself will be quite a stretch. We are a creative family so am thinking they will not hinder my new artistic ways, but instead benefit from it. As for the 3 pages of journal writing a day, well I did go out to buy a new journal at Anthropologie today. I think it looks like a piece of art in itself. Oh, and yes I do believe she probably meant 3 note book size pages, but I am going to be realistic and stick with my pretty journal.

It's not to late to join. We will be reading the first chapter this week. To keep up with what is going on be sure to visit Wide Open Spaces. Happy reading!

Book Club

{image via here}

I am so excited to be starting The Artist's Way. I am even more excited with everyone who has decided to join in. Emily from Wide Open Spaces has begun to compile a list of names and has done an awesome introductory. I am thrilled that she has decided to start this sort of book club. Be sure to check it out and get your name on her list so we can stay connected throughout the journey. We are starting off with reading the introduction, Spiritual Electricity (the basic principles), and basic tools. Now to get reading.

Book Club

Emily from Wide Open Spaces has decided to start a sort of book club. I absolutely adore her blog and was super excited when she asked if I would be interested in reading the Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I honestly never heard of it before, but the lady at the book store went on and on about it when I asked for help. So I thought I would extend the invite to all of you. I bought mine at a local book store and I think Emily said she got her's off of for only $4. Considering we all use our creative selves by blogging and in our daily lives I thought it would be a great way to hopefully stretch ourselves a bit. It all begins Monday, sorry for the short notice. I do hope you decide to join along. Just let me know if you do!