A Kitchen Renovation

I have a thing for kitchens, especially white one's with marble counter tops and subway tile. I came across this kitchen renovation and it made me gasp with joy. It is perfect in every way. I now have it filed away in my "one day" folder. If we ever get a home to renovate or build then these will be the photos I show...

and after...

Gorgeous, right? You also must check out their blog, Urban Nest, so much goodness in one spot.

Outfit to Room...

Every week the beautiful lady from Through the Looking Glass posts an amazing outfit of her own. Last week her outfit caught my eye and I thought it would make a fabulous outfit to room...

Outfit to dining nook...

I would love to see this Josef Frank fabric made into some dramatic curtains.

{via Anthropologie}

This linen sofette can sit around this...

{via DWR}

fabulous table.

{via Pottery Barn}

A couple of white Queen Anne chairs to round out the seating.

{via Twinkle Living}

A few of these pillows for the sofette.

{via ebay}

A vintage red vase to fill with flowers every week.

Time to Breath

I am taking the day dear blogger friends to relax with the family and process life. Last week was quite a busy one and this one doesn't seem to be letting up any. I did not read The Artist's Way so I hope to catch up today. I hope you all had a lovely weekend, we sure did.

{image via Wide Open Spaces via Mary Ruffle}

Happy Daddy's Day

Yesterday we went swimming at a friend's home while they were out of town. At one point Kellen (my wonderful husband) started to teach Ellie and Kj how to jump off the diving board. This is a nerve wracking thing for a two and three year old. Kellen would hang off the diving board and hold their little hands while they jumped from above, after about 20 jumps he convinced them to jump by themselves and he would catch them. As I watched him catch the two over and over I slowly began to think about no matter how old they get he will always be there with his hand reached out to catch them. The bond they share will never wane, he is their daddy here on earth, I thank God for granting me such an amazing husband and father to our little ones. Happy Father's Day sweet husband. You make us smile.

Outfit to Room...

I have two dear friends that's home I have been working on for quite some time. We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel finally. She and I thought it would be fun to do an outfit to room from a photo shoot they did with my husband and turn it into the last room that still needs some work. Here are my absolutely stunning friends...

Here's their outfit to office...

Currently there is real wood paneling that they are not a fan of so we are going to paint it out in Sherwin Williams Rare Gray. In the room it reads with a slight green undertone in case you were curious.

This is the desk and storage cabinet that we are going with from Nadu for the local crowd.

{via here}

They have a slipper chair that needs to be recovered. I think this would do nicely.

{via West Elm}

A tree stump side table for next to the chair.

A gallery wall for the large blank wall would be a nice touch. I like the idea of adding in some raw elements.

{via ebay}

A directors chair for the desk. Easy enough to fold away when the room becomes a spot to work out.

{via Simple Song}

Every lovely office needs fabulous stationary. These would make a statement.

Home Tours + Links

Every Thursday I hope to share a lovely home tour that has caught my eye. Well, lately there has been so many that I thought I would share all my favorites as of late. You can view your favorites or view them all. Grab a cup of tea and enjoy...

Home tour via Design Sponge.

Home tour via Blueprint Bliss via here.

Home tour via Apartment Therapy.

Home tour via Four Walls And A Roof via Canadian House and Home.

Home Tour via Shelter via Cottage Living, RIP.

Home tour via Habitually Chic.

Playing Tag

Sarah Klassen from Haute Design tagged me in a fun, but quite challenging tag. The tag is to write about 6 uninteresting things I love. I thought I would give it a go...

1. Cleaning supplies, especially anything from Mrs. Meyers.
2. Markers in a an array of colors. They can just make a tag or envelope look so much prettier.
3. Crystal Light Peach Mango Green Tea. I am not of fan of coke/pop drinks so this has become my hot day thirst quencher when water will just not suffice.
4. Paint decks. I love having so many colors at my finger tips at any given moment.
5. A daily planner. Really I am not sure how I would keep our lives straight without one.
6. Diapers. Okay so maybe I do not love diapers, but really what would we do without them?

Although I am not going to pass on this tag I would absolutely love to link you if you would like to give it a try, just let me know!

*I know this is my day to update my shopping hiatus, but as you all know I bought this dress from yesterdays post. $15 dollars is not too shabby and it put a quencher on my 'I want a new dress' mind set. Also hubby and I have decided to paint my daughters room green which also means the decor must be changed up a bit. She has been asking for 6 months for a green room so we think it's time to let her imagination soar. I am doing it as cost effective as possible and next month is her birthday so although her room is perfectly fine the way it is we are allowing her to call the shots, well mostly.

Book Club: chapter 9

{via Rodney Smith}

Summer's are always so busy for us and with my new endeavors it's only going to get busier. I hope to enjoy every minute of it even if my son is the fussiest I have ever seen him and eats more than a horse (oh yes, he's only two). Anyhow, back to the Artist's Way, it talked about how a negative experience in your creativity halt's you into doing nothing. I have experienced this recently if you can remember, if your new to my little blog then you too can check it out here (read the comments). For about 3 days I was completely heart broken to be honest and it took a little longer than that to completely get over it. I am one of those sensitive types, but after much prayer, hubby love, and all your encouragement I decided to jump back on the decorating horse. Oh, and don't worry I will not make that mistake twice.

We learn to do something by doing it. There is no other way.
-John Holt

Have you ever felt halted and how did you overcome?

Chapter 10 here we come!

Outfit to Room...

I would love to be wearing this outfit today. It came way from Jackie of Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle who's blog is quite full of yummy eye candy.

{via Real Simple}

Outfit to reading nook...

{via Cisco Brothers}

It all starts with a stunning, but still comfortable chair.

{via Pottery Barn}

Every reading nook needs a good lamp to read by.

{via West Elm}

Although I am not sure if I could use the real thing, it would look quite lovely in this room.

{via Pottery Barn}

A side table for a cup of tea.

{via Etsy}

The cup to enjoy the tea.

Don't forget you too can send in an outfit for this outfit to room series to twoellie@gmail.com

Have a lovely weekend!

Birmingham, Al

Do you happen to remember this home from a past Cottage Living issue? Well, while browsing local real estate I came across this home again. I am still as smitten with it as the first day I saw it while turning the pages of my beloved magazine. I just love the detailing all the while keeping it quite kid friendly. Oh yes, there are even more pictures here.

Zooey Deschanel + Mrs. French

This may be all over TV, I really have no idea since we don't watch it, but I came across it while looking for a certain fabric and it made me smile. Thought I would share.

Traci, also known as the fabulous Mrs. French, has a blog called Bliss (just in case you haven't already heard of it already, ha!). It was one of the first blogs that I ever got hooked on. Her inspiration encouraged me to blog daily. She does the most beautiful photography and I was so excited when some of her work got picked up by the Beholder. A few of her prints are mounted on plywerk and I believe it makes an already beautiful photograph all the more lovely. Congrats to you, Mrs. French!

Book Club: chapter 8 {minus the book}

Last week my husband and I went on a date. We didn't do much, but we still had a blast and we had a chance to talk without any interruption. I mentioned to him how I wasn't sure what talents I wanted to pursue. Of course, being a wife and mother is my top priority, but I really do enjoy to sew and decorate homes. My husband, a man full of wisdom, simply started to recite Ecclesiastes 11. The highlights for me were verse 5 & 6...

As you not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. - Ecclesiastes 11:5-6

So my husband encouraged me to try both and see where it all takes me. Not to worry so much about failing or succeeding. To just take a leap of faith and simply do something, because we do not know the plans of God and if I do nothing then I may never know. God cannot bless something until I give Him something to bless. So saying all this I believe I am going to start sewing just a few dresses and put them on Etsy and see what happens. Oh and yes, I already have my first paid decorating gig starting soon, can't wait!

{the photo above is from one of my favorite shoots my hubby just did. A year ago a few people encouraged him to start doing photography. So we, he, took a leap of faith and bought the pro equipment and well, let's just say he is doing quite well thus far. We are highly blessed, and even upgraded to a D700 recently so now I get to shoot with the D300, yeah!}

Outfit to Room...

This fabulous photo came from Joy over at, the somewhat new blog, August Love. I just adore this whole look and it makes it even more fabulous that it's on such a little lady. Such a doll.

Outfit to entry hall...

{via here}

Of course it should all start with a red front door.

{via Pieces}

An amazing dresser to put your keys and mail, but also a great place for some extra storage.

{via Velocity}

Two of these to hang over either end of the dresser.

{via here}

This book would sit atop the dresser...

{via cb2}

along with these two fu dog bookends.

{via Rodney Smith}

Wouldn't it be lovely to have a piece of art from Rodney Smith for over the dresser.
{via Madeline Weinrib Atelier}

Every entry hall needs an attention grabbing rug and this one would do just that.

Another Lovely Home Tour

This home renovation just makes me smile. I love the fresh clean colors, simple but ever so lovely furnishings, and I especially love the outdoor area. I could image myself living out there. My husband and I have certain things we want for our next home and I always say that the garden is what will sell me. I can make any home lovely, but a beautiful yard and garden are much harder to start from scratch. What is your must have for a home?

{via Dwell}

I would also love to say thank you to Everything Fabulous and Sweet as Candy for One Lovely Blog Award and Blue Hydrangea for the Splash Award. I am honored.