Living Large {well trying to}

As I pass by our coat rack/cubbies/mud room shelf thing I always ponder a way to keep the kids "stuff" more organized. Although I love it, the hooks are a bit high for the kids and it becomes the landing spot for EVERYTHING. I do like that it's contained, but I would also love to keep it up off the seat part a little more and keep myself from continually walking by and hanging things up. I am thinking that maybe a child size coat rack could do the trick. This would at least give them a spot for school coats and backpacks. It could sit right next to the shelf piece, maybe where the umbrella stand currently is. I am always trying to make our little home live large. Really one extra closet would/could do the trick. To keep the coat rack blending into our home I would go for the gray or white, but the bright pink could be quite fun too!