Our Christmas tradition with the kiddos is that they get 3 to 4 gifts plus stocking stuffers every year. Couple that with gifts from family and it it keeps it from getting too out of control. Our number does not include the PJ's they get the night before or the ornament we gift them every year. Also if it's things like art supplies then that's all grouped together and considered one. We try to stay budget friendly and do the bigger things for birthdays. Although last year KJ wanted a camera and we found this one on a black Friday deal and he still uses it all the time. This year Ellie is wanting mostly American Girl goodies. Actually that is the only this on her list currently. KJ has his guide mapped out with drawings to match so I don't get confused. HA.

{1} remote control helicopter: We own a few of these and they are the only ones that have held up. They are also at the best price point we have found. This year he is wanting the double propeller one.

{2} art: Ellie, 9 going on 15, is at  new age where she is happy to get things for her room and it really feel like a gift. Of course add her name and I am sure she would be over moon.

{3} headphones: Both the kiddos have been into music this past year. We found these headphones to hold up best after going through a few pairs with KJ. We let them use our phones and ipad to keep it regulated. Frozen is still a huge hit, but this has been on repeat for them. These were a stocking stuffer last year, but add an itunes gift card and it would make quite a treat.

{4} matching dresses: I had a friend order these for her girls and they are just too cute. I also love that it's something practical, but also fits into Ellie's American Girl doll list.

{5} ship kite: We have this and LOVE it. It sends KJ's imagination into overdrive yet adds to family fun. Plus it looks good when not in use.

{6} Rainbow Loom: Both Ellie and KJ have been obsessed with this the last couple of years. It's also a great car activity for trips. Ellie and KJ continually make them for gifts which I love. It really is so fun.

{7} purse: It sparkles. Need I say more?

{8} Sphere: this we have had for years and is the number one toy that gets played with when friends are over. Everyone from the youngsters to adult age seem to break it out.

{9} Book: This one KJ has and loves. It's also one that I don't mind reading over and over. They have a girl version that I'm looking forward to getting my hands on, you know for Ellie's sake.