Fun Filled


We have quite the fun filled week. Wednesday and Thursday of last week we went to Atlanta to see a Braves game and the Lion King at the Fox Theater. Both had me in tears just watching the kiddos faces. KJ even received a game ball from a player. He's been showing anyone and everyone that glance his way. They were overjoyed to say the least. In the in between times we filled with Yeah Burger {both days, it's that good} and store wandering. Room and Board has quickly become a favorite shop and Ellie has deemed the above bunk bed as the only present she wants for her birthday. HA. I personally have put this chair on my very own wish list. Saturday we had baseball {we won}, Ellie's ballet recital {she's amazing}, and my family came over for dinner in which I cooked {they were proud}. We even managed to fit in our local town festival and a bit of gardening.