Adding Warmth in the Kitchen

Our rental home kitchen has had me a bit baffled. It is very different from our old home. Our old kitchen was open to the rest of the house and was more pretty than anything else. This kitchen is much more utilitarian which makes perfect sense in a 1931 home. It was made for function. I do LOVE that, but at times it feels cold especially with the washer and dryer being part of the space. Don't get me wrong I am beyond grateful that I have so many appliances. Not sure how I would function without a washer, dryer, dishwasher and the like. I am also finding that having a microwave on our limited counter space drives me a bit nuts. Never mind our kitchenaid, vitamix {early birthday present from the Mr}, cake plates ect have no where to go but on the countertop. So after much thought and kitchen gazing I think I want to add a bookshelf. I think it will add warmth to the space and free up some countertop space for things like actual cooking. Even if I just moved the microwave here along with the cakeplates, mixing bowls, and maybe add a few baskets for pantry items it may help this kitchen feel more homey and function better for the way we live. The bookcase will go where this bench sits now. Oh, and I finally found school house lights that were oversized and short enough! I shared them on instagram, but will be sure to share here too soon. Do any of you have a bookcase in your kitchen? Do you like it? To me it feels somewhat European for some reason and who wouldn't want that! HA.

Contenders... ONE & TWO