The Hamster Wheel of Life

Get up extra early to get Ellie to her AM safety patrol duties, make waffles and lunch, get the kiddos to school, head to my three day a week chiropractic session, head to work on Katrina Porter Designs, pick up kiddos, head home for snack and homework duties, then head to activity of the day, head home, fit in Two Ellie and give time to Kellen Jacob Photography when needed or better yet I crash and hope the Mr was planning to make dinner that night. Weekends look a little different as we consider a weekend Friday and Saturday since the Mr works on Sunday's. Friday the Mr and I try to stick together. It's a date day of sorts as the kiddos are in school even if said date is to the grocery store. Saturday can be filled with kiddos activities or we lay low, but regardless of what we are doing we do it as a family. Sunday is church, meal prep for my Dr diet, baseball currently, and the kiddos and I clean the house. We all have tasks and knock it out in about an hour. Sound familiar? I know all moms and women in general have some form of daily tasks that can leave room for little else.

I had a swim mom ask if I ever get tired of the hustle, when I am healthy, then answer is mostly no. I try to do whatever I am doing at that moment well. When they overlap that is when frustration {as in fly off the handle when the slightest thing goes array} occurs and I can become overwhelmed. I know this is my trigger so I try to order my hours in such a way so that can't happen. Does it always work? no, but I feel like every week I am getting better. Honestly ALL the things I do daily I love. I love being part of the kiddos daily lives, I love my husband, I love design, I love photography, I love Two Ellie, I honestly feel refreshed once the house is back in order. Granted I could do without mopping the floors so that hasn't happened in forever. Gross I know, but atleast they get swept or vacuumed on a regular basis. 

There are days I stop and think about the hamster wheel I feel like I am running on. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this wheel won't run like this forever and it's okay to feel like the repetition could drive me mad. I also have to look deeper and make sure that all the things are God ordered. That I am ultimately following the path He laid out for me. Currently I believe I am and once one of those tasks are no longer a part of who He needs me to be then I will shift and move on. I have stopped planning what the future holds as it never is I imagine. I do find it's always better though. What I do plan on is following His path and where it leads, to better myself in Him, and along the way many doors open and close but I am better for it because God is the writer of my story. How do you all maintain a daily hustle without going crazy? For me I know I need to start and end my day in prayer even if it's only for a few minutes, a good cup of wind down tea and I will never pass on a good book. Of course time spent with friends may be a cure all for me. How about you? 

 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.- Ephesians 3: 17-19