What's Next?

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School starts back today and I am in the process of cutting the umbilical cord, again. This summer was truly majestic. Not because we filled it to the brim doing extraordinary activities, but simply because we just took the time to just be. We had slow mornings and movie nights. We laughed, we read many books, we did even manage to squeeze in a couple days at our favorite place. The most dearest and nearest part of this summer for me was getting my boy back. During the latter trip we felt a shift in him. He smiled easily. He didn't mention his never ending pain but only a few times. He was purely him again. What led to this joy of mine? If you follow me on instagram you may have seen me ask for prayers in March after he went into anaphylaxis due to a medication, which he was taking for salmonella that he got during New Years and could not kick for months. That led to a very mild case of Steven Johnson's syndrome. His case was as minor as they come, but it still did enough damage and left him in enough pain that we had to mostly do schooling from home till years end. He slept the days away and he cried often with damaged eyes that could not produce tears. We were not even sure that he would be going back to school with the rest of his class today, but alas he headed out the door ready to concur 5th grade. This season did lead to further testing, because he wasn't bouncing back like he should have. Some things came up that would not have been found unless we walked this path. His immune system was compromised to say the least. His most recent round of tests came back positive that his body is once again producing antibodies after taking an immune booster. Overall we feel confident he will overcome completely even with his MLB deficiency.  January till the end of June I was with little Kellen pretty much 24/7.  Literally. I slept in his room, he went on every photography job I had once he was mobile, when he did go to school for an hour or so I would wait near by just incase. Then Ellie joined us for summer break and well she is most definitely my best friend to say the least. Now it's my time to figure out how to best spend my days. Durning this season I knew what I was to do. Keep him comfortable the best I could, dr appointments, hospital visits, and in general keep us moving forward in the healing process rather than get lost in it. Now I am here without a daily job to keep me busy and moving forward. I know this time is a gift from above and I don't want to waste an ounce of it. I am taking August to really dig in with the Lord on realigning His will for me for this next season. I am grateful our church takes the first 21 days of every August to focus on prayer. Locally you can go to any of the campuses at 6am or you can join me online. The prayer service is available for 24 hours if the 6am time slot doesn't fit into your schedule. For me it makes a great start to my day before the kiddos wake and I become distracted. 

Online service link can be found here

Would you like specific prayer? I would be honored to pray for you. You can email me at paulacoldiron@gmail.com