I'm Back

I know in my last post I said I would be taking some time to regroup and find purpose again for this little ole blog, but I had no idea it would take me almost 6 months to get here! I figured with my 7 year blog anniversary coming up on the 12th then this would be as good of a time as any to get back into the world of blogging. So much has happened and if you have been following me on Instagram then you got a glimpse here and there. The kiddos ended their first year in a new school and have begun a new year as of late. KJ is reading so well now and we in no way regret uprooting and making a new life in a rental to get him into a new school that could help his adversities. Ellie is absolutely thriving in the new school too and has made some wonderful friendships. What more can a mother ask for really. Oh, and she wanted to let you all know that she got braces. Over the last 6 months we had some ups and downs. We had a wonderful family trip to the lake, the spring was filled with so many beautiful weddings to capture, Ellie turned 10 and me 35, Kellen and I went to Australia for the Hillsong conference which truly revived this weary soul, and we are finally feeling settled in our rental. As for the down, I was handed a paper cup at a local coffee shop that did not have it's top on properly. I was awarded with second and third degree burns from my left knee all the way up and around to my bottom that had me on the sofa for almost two months. I'm still a sight for sore eyes, but see the light at the end of a very long tunnel. I'm grateful that it wasn't worse and at the same time not too happy about missing a month of summer with the kiddos. It is what it is. That's a very brief rundown of the last six months and now I officially feel ready to embark on Two Ellie as I envision her... all grown up.

Images from our trip to Australia. It was pretty magical.


sunnies {found at my local Nordstrom Rack} | the perfect dress for short girls {I'm wearing it here too} | canvas field jacket | purse {10% off if you sign up for emails} | winter coat gifted by my sister | watch by tsovet

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me - the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace. Acts 20:24

Date Day

I seen to be on a role with outfit posts as of late. A few of you have mentioned missing them so I thought I would give it a go again. For those who can't stand outfit posts I apologize in advance and let's be honest I am awful a holding down a series for very long. I call it the "I need to be comfortable at all times" look. HA. Every Friday the Mr and I have day dates while the kiddos are at school. Being on staff at a church means he does not get Sundays off so he takes most Fridays off or is suppose to anyways. The Mr grabbed these as we were about to go have lunch and run by the grocery store. We are romantic that way. 


And the outfit works without a hat too. I kid and I am sure you know that. I'm just partial to them, but I wasn't having a bad hair day so it had to be documented. My hair LOVES the lower humidity levels and cold.



Leggings: lulu, but these I honestly love just as much. | new favorite top: want one in every color | bag: you have seen it before and I am sure will be seeing it years to come | hat: found mine at TJ Maxx at the beginning of summer, but this one is very similar | Shoes: REALLY old OTBT's {I will share similar feels below}

P.S. It also has come to my attention that my search, contact page, and old blog links aren't working. Also do you happen to be a subscriber? I hear that's not working either, but would love to know if it is or is not working for you and the "service" you are using! Hoping to have it resolved quickly!