Finding Peace


Something about this image makes me stop and stare. The neutral palette, the woodwork, that door, and of course the mix of modern and traditional are all things I adore. Oh, and lets not forget the the thick floor boards, just beautiful. The simplicity of the space makes me yearn for the simple things. I think this would be a perfect spot to catch up on some blogging and then grab a nice hot cup of tea and curl up with a good book.

I know I have been scarce from blog land and I have a few emails to answer also. I do apologize and hope to catch up on both very soon. I want to thank you all for your more than generous comments as of late. I read every one and they brighten my day. It seems with my desire for simplicity I become a chaotic mess. Thankfully I know this too shall pass and I will find my peace...

Worry never solves tomorrow's problems. It only robs today of its peace. 
 Matthew 6: 25-24