Little Reminders

{via House Beautiful photo: Jose Picayo}

My grandparents had the most beautiful set of blue and white transferware. It was stacked high in a corner built in hutch. The above image reminds me of their home. They have since passed, but I still can remember my grandmother pulling pieces out for our special tea time. Today I am over on Mrs. French discussing another use for transferware.

A Crazy Day + New Lamps

Sorry for the missed post yesterday. We had quite an eventful Tuesday and not in a good way. That morning we got a phone call from my husbands coordinator at work, her husband was in a motorcycle accident. Praise God he is doing quite well. A true miracle really. The Mr. spent the day at the hospital with them. During this time KJ quickly became ill. Never seen him so sick, I was quite scared to be honest. His fever reached 103 and we (dr and I) had a hard time getting it to go down. He wasn't alert and kept on falling asleep. When he did speak he just kept repeating that he was burning. He ended up having strep. Had no idea it could get so bad. A few other things thrown in and wow, it made for quite a day.

I am sure you are ready for me to get back to design so here are a pair of lamps that I got at Scott's in Atlanta. I didn't purchase the shades, but it's on my to do list. I will share as soon as I do. They are in the master and make me quite happy.

For more design related posts you can come see me on Mrs. French. I have a new one up and I am quite smitten with the inspiration image.

One of Many

I love the idea of using a screen room divider as a headboard. This one is rather stunning...

I also think it could make a good DIY project. I would love to recreate this one...

Today I am over on Mrs. French sharing another use for screens. Of course a gorgeous antique one would make quite the statement.

{image 1 western interiors magazine via Material Girls, Image 2 via Martha Stewart}

Birmingham Magazines

It seems January was a good month for both the Mr. and I. I was chosen as one of the top trendsetters & Tastemakers for the Birmingham area in Birmingham Home & Garden. I was humbled to be paired with my friends Marianne, Doug and Paige, Brooke, Jennifer, and Megan among a few others. (Click on the image to make larger)

We then got an email from one of our past brides and she let us know that her wedding was featured in the Birmingham Magazine. We could not have been any more excited. Loved seeing Kellen Jacob Photography in print. Ha! (click on the images to enlarge)

So Fun, right?

*oh, and don't worry I am still over on Mrs. French and sharing the images that inspired my choices from yesterdays post. Love being inspired.


This is an old pic of my living room. A few things have changed, but not much. Today I am over on my other blog, Mrs. French, sharing a change that would make my heart skip a beat.

Kitchen Obsessed

During my local real estate stalking I came across a home that I have been in love with for quite some time and the price dropped... again. Oh happy day! Well, happy day for someone who is the position to move. The reason I loved it so much was because of this kitchen...

Which happens to remind me of this kitchen from one of my favorite  homes  that was featured in Cottage Living years ago. It also happens to be for sale in the area.

You can see the rest of this storybook cottage over on Mrs. French today. Do you think a house is to much to ask for for Christmas? Just a thought.

Table Settings

Today I am over on Mrs. French sharing a few table setting ideas that the ladies and I from the shop put together. We had so much fun although I am sure they pulled out the Lysol after I left, I could not stop coughing to save my life. Hope to see you there. I would love to know which one is your favorite too. For today this one is mine.