Blog Love

Have you seen the newish blog of a stay at home mom of Bijou and Boheme? Well, I must say it had me at hello. Yesterday she featured the first floor of her home and I am beyond smitten. Her style is beyond fabulous. If you haven't seen her blog yet then I must tell you it's a must. To see more of her home be sure to go, here.

Antiques at the Garden

Mrs. French was invited to the Antiques at the Garden here in Birmingham. The Friday morning of the weekend long event was a special invitation only Designer Preview. Mrs. French deemed me special and carried me along with her as her +1. The show featured many premier dealers from around the country minus any of the Birmingham dealers. I must say I fell head over heels for so many pieces. Alas I only took home photos while I am sure some others took home these fine pieces.

Dallas Shaw for Dace

I instantly became smitten when I opened an email from Dace. It seems the brilliant artist Dallas Shaw partnered with Dace to make a rather lovely paper doll with clothes to match. Each month they will release a new set of clothing till Dace's fall line is completely out. Oh, and did I happen to mention they are free to download and print? I printed out two sets one for Ellie to play with and one to frame. They are that gorgeous. Can't wait for the next one's to be released!

Guest Blogger: Blue Hydrangea

I, Sissy of Blue Hydrangea, am thrilled to be at Two Ellie today for a guest post. In honor of Paula I was going to do a room to outfit post but guess what? It's harder than it looks. So I have decided to work on something I need help with. Lighting up my home and making it feel more youthful. I don't know about you but I have a lot of inherited furniture and it is all dark wood. I know what you are thinking...paint it!! Well, what do you do if it is too nice to paint?

To me, nothing updates a traditional room like colorful artwork.

In fact a piece of abstract art can change the whole feel of a room.

While going through my files of favorite photos it was amazing how many rooms had an over-sized, abstract work of art.

The more color the better.

If this doesn't make you happy I don't know what will.

Don't you think it adds some drama and sophistication to a room?

The best part is it doesn't have to cost a fortune. Go to Ebay or Esty or better yet paint your own. Or have your children paint it. How do you update a room?

Paula, thanks for letting me visit!!

Sissy I am so excited you were able to join me here, but let's not forget the most amazing piece of art I have seen in awhile...

the one you and your children did! Really its stunning. I can't wait till I can do this with my kiddos.

pictures from: Lindsey Harper, Peacock Feathers, Made By Girl, Elle Decor, Lonny, Peacock Feathers

Gallery Walls Obsession

It seems I like a gallery wall. Maybe a little too much since almost every room holds one. The first is in the hall that is right off the entry towards the kiddos bedrooms. The bottom right frame will soon hold the kiddos art project the rest are filled by my Mr...

This is the one in KJ's bedroom. It was inspired by the art walls in Moomah.

The two bikes are by Hillarie Tasche who seems to have closed up shop.
The two bottom 5x7 are by Simplesong Designs.
Middle is from Seesaw Letterpress.
The four middle 5x7's are note cards from Moomah.
The two top 5x7's and the right top are by me.

The top left was a gift.

This is in Ellie's room. The green walls photographed much more saturated than they really are.

Top left and large abc print were gifts.
Bottom left was designed by Brooke of Blueprint Bliss.
Top middle and wooden flower are by local artists.

Of course you have seen this image before, but it is part of my gallery wall obsession just with a slight twist.

I have been checking my list off left and right and it feels so good. KJ's room is almost finished just need to sew a pillow for his bed and a few odd and ends. Ellie's room just needs a coat of paint on the bed to finish it off. The office supplies have been ordered and now waiting for arrival so it can be completed. Oh, and my deadline is to have it all done by the weekend. Why such a hurry? Well I am having surgery that will keep me laid up for a good six weeks at least. I know it doesn't really matter, but I do not want any of my uncompleted projects hanging over my head. I am a dweller.